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COVID-19, A Time for Healing

Does anyone else feel like they’ve been forced into a timeout? Life has a funny way of pointing things out when we can’t seem to figure things out on our own, no matter how many warning signs we pass along the way. As humans, avoidance — of emotions, problems, things...
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5758 Hits

Don't Wait... Do it Today!

When days become so busy that we are often scheduling out our lives months in advance or constantly putting things off until the next day or the day after that — especially regarding self-care — it can be easy to forget that the plans of tomorrow. . . may never...
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5955 Hits


Communication. It seems so simple to express how you are feeling. Yet, we often end up feeling overburdened, underappreciated and locked into commitments or undesirable situations because we do not voice our own feelings and needs. You feel bad for telling a friend "No" when they asked you to do...
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6419 Hits

Hello, Spring!

Spring has always been my favorite time of year. There is something about this season that brings an added joy and warmth to my soul. The sun seems to be shining harder. The breeze so effortlessly makes me feel at peace. Birds are singing to one another and a variety...
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6167 Hits

Savoring Summer’s Sweet Slowness

In my last blog post, I shared that radical self-care is the only thing keeping me going through a difficult transition. Christine Valters Paintner, whose job title is “Online Abbess and Dancing Monk” of Abbey of the Arts, shared in a recent blog post her ideas for how to savor...
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5047 Hits

Radical Self-care

For years I have been writing about the importance of self-care. I have also been practicing what I preach—most of the time. I have the basics covered such as eating healthfully, exercising regularly, meditating daily and allowing sufficient time for sleep—usually. Except when life gets busy and I take short...
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5890 Hits


By Guest Writer Holli Brown, BSEE, LMP-NCTMB, HTCP I recently returned from an advanced training class in energy medicine. I learned many new techniques and new aspects of the chakras and energy field that increased my awareness and understanding of how we hold and manifest dis-ease in our lives. Do...
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6533 Hits

Parking Karma

I have an amazing gift. I can find a parking place in front of wherever I am going probably 75% of the time. I live in a big city where parking is a major issue. I say out loud, “All right parking karma, I want a spot right in front!”...
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6963 Hits

Saint Valentine, the Healer

If you’re like most Americans, the words “Valentine’s Day” conjure up images of red and pink hearts decked out in lace. Or chocolate. Or flowers. While I love Valentine’s Day as much as the next romantic, the trappings of our modern Valentine’s Day hardly reflect the original story, except for...
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Of One Energy

On a rare sunny, winter day in Seattle, I was walking in my neighborhood, practicing a core belief of the Healing Touch Program. The core belief is that we are all one—individually unique, but made of the same divine energy of the universe that connects all living beings. My neighborhood...
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5818 Hits

My Healing Touch Journey

This piece, submitted by Diana Wright, depicts her journey in the practice of Healing Touch. By Diana O. Wright One morning in late April 2013, I was lying still, barely awake, asking God what I, a retired English teacher, should do with my life in a new city. The phrase...
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6871 Hits