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Don't Wait... Do it Today!

When days become so busy that we are often scheduling out our lives months in advance or constantly putting things off until the next day or the day after that — especially regarding self-care — it can be easy to forget that the plans of tomorrow. . . may never...
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  6119 Hits
6119 Hits


Communication. It seems so simple to express how you are feeling. Yet, we often end up feeling overburdened, underappreciated and locked into commitments or undesirable situations because we do not voice our own feelings and needs. You feel bad for telling a friend "No" when they asked you to do...
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6574 Hits

Show Your Love Every Day

Every year for February 14th we buy Valentine’s Day cards for significant others, spouses, friends, family members and even classmates. It is the one day per year that some consciously remember to dote on those around them and let others know how much they care. While romantic and thoughtful, for...
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  6526 Hits
6526 Hits

Holiday Joy

Ah, the holidays have almost arrived! During this time of year, many are rushing about in an attempt to get every gift on their list for loved ones — the latest and greatest in toys, scarves, tech gadgets, candles, books, and wines to hand off to family and friends. While...
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  6619 Hits
6619 Hits

Succumbing to Solstice Darkness

The culture clash between winter solstice and Christmas is battling for my allegiance. On the one hand, the sun will set on the winter solstice today in Seattle at 4:20 p.m. This time of year, I am ready to pack up the day and begin my long winter’s nap by...
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  4728 Hits
4728 Hits

Following the Unexpected Path

It is shocking that I am an energy medicine practitioner. At least, to me it is. Five years ago, I would never have imagined that I would open my own energy healing business. Even sitting in the Level 1 Healing Touch class I could not have imagined it. Within ten...
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  6696 Hits
6696 Hits


Summer has ended. Most of us are saying good-bye to the vacation season and easing (or some of us are being thrown) into the new fall rhythm—school, refreshed energy for work projects, activities that resume once everyone is back in town from far-flung adventures. But how many of us truly...
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6830 Hits

The Epic American Road Trip

It’s a part of our American culture: loading the kids and all manner of gear into the car and then setting off down the winding road in search of adventure, family memories and hopefully really good ice cream. We succumbed to the madness this year, filling the car’s rooftop cargo...
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7408 Hits

Barefoot Labyrinth

Mud squished cold between my toes in the shade, but iridescent green moss that had warmed in the sun eased the chill as I weaved my way barefoot through the labyrinth. I had retreated to a small island off the coast of Washington state to find my grounding again. The...
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  6986 Hits
6986 Hits

Slow Down

“ Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last.” These lyrics from the 59 th Street Bridge Song by Simon and Garfunkel have become my theme. They speak the truth for me - we move too fast. Our days are full of busyness and rushing....
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  7292 Hits
7292 Hits

About Those New Year's Resolutions...

So. It’s February. We are one month into 2015. Do you remember your New Year’s resolutions? Frankly, I don’t. I think they had something to do with losing the weight I put on over the holidays (should have followed my own advice in the blog post below entitled “The Holiday...
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  6525 Hits
6525 Hits


There is a place I go to when I seek solace and quiet, a holy place. I discovered it quite by accident on a walk early one morning when I stopped for a moment to “drink in the morning.” In that moment I was aware of something different, as though...
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  6295 Hits
6295 Hits

Color in Winter

colored pencils 500In these cold, dark days of winter I close the blinds as the day’s last rays of light are slowly fading to keep out the cold. Even if it does not make the house warmer, it makes it seem warmer and cozy. I eat comfort food, read more, go to bed earlier. Sometimes I am content with this way of life and other times I long for more light and longer days. February is the hardest month for me. Winter is dragging on and yet I feel spring, just around the corner, in my bones. I long to have the world colored vividly again.

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  6345 Hits
6345 Hits

The Holiday Food Battle

I was standing in the grocery store aisle, surrounded by black and orange. All I needed was a gallon of milk. But in order to pick up a gallon of milk, I had to traverse through a maze of black and orange Halloween merchandise, including piles of candy. Despite my...
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  6079 Hits
6079 Hits